Tunnel Exit |
The above photo is a continuation of the one presented in the previous post. Here is a closer look at what you can view when exiting the tunnel and heading towards the Small Square and implicitly to the Liars' Bridge.
On the left, as I mentioned in the previous post, there is the entrance to the Astoria Villa. The persons in charge of the villa have wanted to make the entrance a little more beautiful by adding a touch of nature, i.e. the little trees in the bog pots. I like this as the city centre, in my opinion, needs to be greener. They kinda are in contrast with the naked tree in the middle of the photo.
In the background you can see a hint of the Liars' Bridge which is full of people admiring it. I will post some photos of it in one of the next posts.
The thing that I do not like is the presence of the trash bags next to the naked tree. It was probably a day when the dustmen came and took it. Let us hope it does not stay there all the time...